Burden Bear Ministries

Linda Cole

Burden Bear Ministries

Hello, my name is Linda Cole and I would like to share with you how Burden Bear Ministries began.

When my Mom (Margaret) was in her late 80’s, her body began to fail due advanced diabetes. She was blind and getting out of the house was extremely difficult. One day a dear sister in the Lord sent her a cute little stuffed bear covered with a beautiful handmade blanket and a card.  Mom never had toys as a child and stuffed animals have always been her favorite.  As I read the card she began to cry as she realized there were people praying for her and that no matter how hard things were, when we give all the pieces of our lives to Jesus beautiful things happen.

From then on, her bear sat with her in the chair, she would pick him up and hold him throughout the day.  I read her the poem so many times, I think we both knew it by heart.  But more than the comfort she felt from holding the bear was how many times when she picked him up she also took some time to talk with the Lord. This brought her the most comfort of all.

Then I had the idea (I’m sure it was from the Lord) to start sharing “Burden Bears” with others.  I purchased bears and photocopied the poem.  Due to an injury to my arm I was not able to sew or knit, so my awesome friends started crocheting and sewing blankets for each of the bears.  My extremely talented niece designed the logo for the Burden Bear Ministries and Open Bible Fellowship offered to support the ministry by providing funds to cover expenses.  Now everyone who needs some comfort can have a special bear of their very own.

If you know someone who is in need of comfort, please reach out to me. My email address is clindajohn@gmail.com